Sonoma Valley, CA

May 2016. I finished my first year of college, and arrived home from a ten-day tour with my choir up to northern California, only to return about a week later with my mom, aunt, sister, and two cousins for another one of my cousin’s wedding. This wedding is one of my favorites and most memorableContinue reading “Sonoma Valley, CA”

My Happy Place: Coroi, Romania

  My happy place, or, one of my happy places, is at my grandparent’s home in a small village in the country side of Romania. It was here that I spent many of my childhood memories running barefoot on the one and unpaved road they had, hearing my grandfather whistle and hum while he workedContinue reading “My Happy Place: Coroi, Romania”

The World Through My Eyes

There have been numerous times in my life I have told myself I would start a blog, or I would consistently journal every day. For me, the journaling aspect is much easier. For some reason, penning my thoughts down to paper seems much more.. Personal, to me. I engage myself with the physical realm ofContinue reading “The World Through My Eyes”